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2005-02-14 [Felis Domesticus]: My first cat was Fritz, then there was Pie, she had Treehorn, Sicily, Mia, Mohammed, Olivia, and many others. Now my cat is called Zigfrieda, Ziggy for short. My boyfriend has a cat who's called Bergamot, Berger for short, and a grey and white cat called Gandalf.
2005-05-23 [hardrocker420]: Tenisha na na, a wiger cat name
2005-06-27 [Dante_the_cat]: my cats names are tina (her other name is Tina Patatina!) Jamie (dont ask my sister named him ..poor thing..) and GioGio who is named after 2 important men in my life..giovanni my boss who actually bought him for me and giorgio who is my boyfriend..so i got the first 3 letters of their names and out i came with it!
2005-11-28 [butterball]: Wow people are now calling people b****s on this site how pathetic... Can't we all just get along!!!
2005-12-22 [darkness within]: how bout peanut and pumpkin
2005-12-22 [darkness within]: and baby
2006-01-22 [Lacrisha_Night]: first cat Diamond the marmalade and Presious, then sasha, and sushi. I have had lots of cats over the years.
2006-02-12 [Baby~girl]: HI my cats name is jazzy and gyps.
2006-03-27 [chibhi247]: Dongwa is my snowshoe
2006-07-25 [kittykittykitty]: 8 cats? :O Aren't they a handful to feed and keep out of trouble?
2006-07-26 [angel from your nightmare]: nope not really theyre all good cats they dont fight or ne thing but they do eat alot
2006-08-15 [kittykittykitty]: I can imagine they go through a lot of food :O So they don't even fight over food or anything? I think you might be really lucky with that ^_^ All the cats in my neighbourhood have been in fights ;_;
2006-08-17 [angel from your nightmare]: nope they dont fight over the food they have 2 big food dishes that alwayz have food in them...they go outside come in and eat and sleep
2006-08-18 [kittykittykitty]: Sounds like a nice kind of lifestyle :P
2008-03-18 [kittykittykitty]: Haha.... Mouse XD I should consider that for the name of my next cat :P
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