Member #2600 created: 2005-05-09 15:12:52 | Simple URL: |
Cat-owner | Cat wannabe | Real cat |
Age: 16 | Year of birth: 1988 | Month of birth: 8 | Day of birth: 4 |
Sign Language | English |
non-race cats | American Bobtail | Egyptian Mau |
Exotic | Himalayan | Japanese Bobtail |
Manx | Oriental | Persian |
RagaMuffin | Siamese | Singapura |
Sphynx |
adult pop | blues | classical |
country | goth | grunge |
heavy metal | hip hop | jazz |
opera | pop | punk |
rap | reggae | rock |
techno |
animals | anime | art |
beer | boardgames | books |
card games | cars | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | chess | cooking |
crime stories | dancing | dogs |
drinks | eating | electronics |
fantasy | film | fishing |
history | horses | LARP |
motorcycles | party | physics |
plants | poetry | porn |
role playing | singing | scifi |
slacking | smoking | soapoperas |
shopping | theatre | travelling |
whisky | wine | writing |