Member #369 created: 2005-01-02 08:51:08 | Simple URL: |
Age: 25 | Year of birth: 1986 | Month of birth: 3 | Day of birth: 1 |
English |
non-race cats | American Bobtail | Birman |
Manx | Norwegian Forest Cat | Ocicat |
Persian | RagaMuffin | Ragdoll |
Selkirk Rex | Somali | Turkish Van |
alternative | classical | folk music |
goth | heavy metal | new age |
opera | progressive metal | synth |
techno |
animals | anime | art |
books | cats | chasing the preferred sex |
dancing | drinks | electronics |
fantasy | fashion | fishing |
history | motorcycles | party |
role playing | singing | scifi |
sewing | slacking | shopping |
travelling | writing |