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kittykittykitty  Photoalbum  (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation)

Member #5581 created: 2005-12-09 14:12:26Simple URL:   

Name: Sarah

Photo missing.

Cat image missing.

CatHug titles and orders
Cat-ownerCat wannabe

<img:stuff/mazewinner.gif>   <img:stuff/Meowb1.gif>   <img:stuff/artdonor-2.gif>
I made my way through two Mazes
I am one of the Meow Graphics Donors
I participated in the CH Front Page Competition!
and I am a Retired crew member.
Badge art by [pixie_shimmer]

Want one of these badges?

Cuuuute buggy made by me for meow graphics... only cat perverts are welcome here!! :P


I have brown fur, claws and a tail, and get on the wrong side of me I'll scratch you to pieces!! (yeah, right) Well... maybe Noodles my cat will do it for me :P

Check the photoalbum for piccies of my kitties!
(because we can't get enough cat photos) ^_^

You may have more chance to find me on Elfpack. CatHug is sleeping like a cat on a warm afternoon.



This is Cadapellie ^_^ I adopted him from the Insane Cat Cattery.

He is three years old. I don't know where he originally came from, but he adopted some weird eating habits as he has a great love of bread o_O This little guy is the happy-go-lucky type and is always ready to play! :3 *pets*


kittykittykitty's Graphics
Free to use on the site :D Dividers and bullets</center>

<center>The Scratching Post and The Kitties' Wiki Page
If you have any wikis you have made, but need more exposure, try submitting them here!</center>

<center>Daily Kitty Fact and Odd Facts
Learn some fun facts about kitties, even submit your own.</center>

<center>The end of the raven
A fun kitty-themed poem :)</center>

See if anything is going on</center>



Place of living: United Kingdom-England

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