[5thwitch]: 5916.the witch's cats 5

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2006-05-18 20:22:03


5916.The Witch's cats
Attila sleeping, it's the only way to take photos of him, the sofa is damaged by the unstoppable work of juba. it took 5 years but she finally succeded in making it a grater

2006-05-24 kittykittykitty: Attila! Such a cute name for him. Yes, they do make short work of even the toughest fabrics, as I have discovered myself :P

2006-05-24 5thwitch: cute and well chosen, if he's not sleeping is destroying the house, in this moment is licking my face...

2006-05-24 kittykittykitty: Awww :P Sandpaper kisses!

2006-05-24 5thwitch: and free face scrub!!

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