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Name: laura lucarelli

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash.
That one is the cat.
If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man,
but it would deteriorate the cat"
Mark Twain

Yay! I won the
CH Front Page Competition! with [
Cassandrart], [
raven lioncourt] and [
"A come atrocità!
doppia T come terremoto e tragedia!
I come ira di dio!
L come lago di sangue!
and A come adesso vengo li e ti spezzo le corna!"
A as atrocity!
double T as trebling earth and tragedy!
I as anger of god!
L as lake of blood!
and A as about coming there and crashing your head!
(from the movie:Attila,f
lagello di dio)

That's me sleeping with attila, pic took by my mother!
Hi there! I'm laura and this page is under construction, It's useless to say that I love cats, I own 2 furry smart felines. their names are Attila (male) and Juba(female). they're both tabby 'domestic short hair'. Attila is brown/black striped, juba grey/black striped. well you can see them in my photoalbum. I'm a elftowner and you cand find me with the user 5thwitch,Kisses!
Cat in a Box
Cat quotes
The witch's gallery
How to speak to an italian cat
Souvenir d'Italie
Take a look at:
Insane Cat Cattery
The Kitties' Wiki Page
Sleeping Cats
The Kitties' Wiki Page

[Hedda] and [Lilo] for the council portrait donation in elftown!!
I'm a member of Hades Fanclub & Lord Lovers United
I appreciate:
-Animals! I have 2 cats and 2 dogs (saved from the street) but I still want more pets.
-People who love animals.
-Story Creators, anyone who create even a character but with a specific background, create It's another way to give life.
-Fight against the stronger.
-the number 5
-the colour black
Favourite Writer: Roal Dahl

I hate:
CYBERING!!!! What kind of problem you have? you're justified only if you have neurodegenerative illness!! Go out and have a healthy REAL relationship. So,

Manson,NIN, a perfect circle, tool, queens of the stoneage, creed, springsteen, Iron Maiden iron maiden fans - and what else?
Fav songs:
The last day on earth - M.M.
Wasted Years -Iron Maiden
What if / My sacrifice - Creed
Human Touch - B.Springsteen
all songs by APC
Italian National anthem.


graphics from: Meow Graphics+ Miss Lilu's Free Graphics
Age: 29 | Year of birth: 1983 | Month of birth: 8 | Day of birth: 21 |
Gender: female human
What do you do?: Studying
Place of living: Italy
Exact place of living: Alessandria-Piemonte
CatHug crew wannabe: Yes
Favorite cat-races
non-race cats | Abyssinian | American Bobtail |
American Curl | American Shorthair | American Wirehair |
Balinese | Bengal | Birman |
Bombay | British Shorthair | Burmese |
Chartreux | Colorpoint Shorthair | Devon Rex |
Egyptian Mau | European Burmese | Exotic |
Havana Brown | Himalayan | Japanese Bobtail |
Javanese | Korat | LaPerm |
Maine Coon | Manx | Norwegian Forest Cat |
Ocicat | Oriental | Persian |
RagaMuffin | Ragdoll | Russian Blue |
Scottish Fold | Selkirk Rex | Siamese |
Siberian | Singapura | Somali |
Sphynx | Tonkinese | Turkish Angora |
Turkish Van |
alternative | heavy metal | rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
cats | cooking | dogs |
fantasy | history | plants |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: thin
Height: 170