Junk Thread: [2477]

Post nr: 2477
Thread: [2477]
Author: Crazy loser stalker geek Posted: (6800 days ago)
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

But is ET down? I can't get to the login page. I don't get an ET error. I just get "Page cannot be displayed." That's what happened the last time I remember ET being down.

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Post nr: 2492
Thread: [2477]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6793 days ago) Previous in thread: 2477 by Crazy loser stalker geek
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

Because it's having problems since an upgrade.

Next in thread: [2540]

Post nr: 2540
Thread: [2477]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6763 days ago) Previous in thread: 2492 by Hedda
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

can't you down-grade it so it doesn't crash, or can you not undo it once it has been upgraded?

Next in thread: [2545], [2551]

Post nr: 2545
Thread: [2477]
Author: ice princess (New name: eeyore) (<img:img/mood/5288_1165600465.jpg> i lv phillip) Posted: (6763 days ago) Previous in thread: 2540 by kittykittykitty
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

hi how was your day

Next in thread: [2546], [2569]

Post nr: 2546
Thread: [2477]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6763 days ago) Previous in thread: 2545 by eeyore
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

ermm >_> my cat Noodles had a strop with me before and my hand stings now -_-'


Next in thread: [2570]

Post nr: 2551
Thread: [2477]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6761 days ago) Previous in thread: 2540 by kittykittykitty
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

It's so much work to downgrade it.


Post nr: 2563
Thread: [2477]
Author: superweasel (New name: superweasel has left CT!) Posted: (6759 days ago) Previous in thread: 2477 by Crazy loser stalker geek
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

it seems to be working ok???? maybe its your computer??

Next in thread: [2564]

Post nr: 2564
Thread: [2477]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6759 days ago) Previous in thread: 2563 by superweasel has left CT!
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

No, it's you that can't read. It says Posted: 2006-02-07 23:43:30


Post nr: 2569
Thread: [2477]
Author: superweasel (New name: superweasel has left CT!) Posted: (6758 days ago) Previous in thread: 2545 by eeyore
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

good thanx how was yours?


Post nr: 2570
Thread: [2477]
Author: superweasel (New name: superweasel has left CT!) Posted: (6758 days ago) Previous in thread: 2546 by kittykittykitty
Subject: I know CatHug has nothing to do with Elftown

lol noodles cute name


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