Cat psycology Thread: [2407]

Post nr: 2407
Thread: [2407]
Author: nokaredes (*hisses*) Posted: (6671 days ago)
Subject: Chocolate

My cat Taxi is a chocolate fiend. She adores chocolate, and seeks it out like a missile when I have a bag of Hershey's kisses in the groceries that I bring home.

Sometimes I even let her have some, even if it is supposed to be bad for cats, because who can say no to that face? @_@ And I don't want her eating the foil that it comes in (which she does if I don't give her any chocolate, unless I put it away from her...)

But she turns her nose up at milk or other dairy. So I have no clue as to why she likes choccolate so much!

Can anyone explain the psychology of that?

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Post nr: 2408
Thread: [2407]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6671 days ago) Previous in thread: 2407 by nokaredes
Subject: Chocolate

She's nuts ;-)

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Post nr: 2409
Thread: [2407]
Author: me_09 (talk 2 me ppl) Posted: (6670 days ago) Previous in thread: 2408 by Hedda
Subject: Chocolate


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Post nr: 2412
Thread: [2407]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6669 days ago) Previous in thread: 2409 by me_09
Subject: Chocolate

Taxi, of course.

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Post nr: 2414
Thread: [2407]
Author: Gengar (<img:img/mood/33_1117659810.gif>) Posted: (6669 days ago) Previous in thread: 2407 by nokaredes
Subject: Chocolate

Cats are like that... my Toto loves jam, but only if you bought it that very same day... if you bought it yesterday, she doesn't want it anymore :P
Mendigo likes chocolate as well, but she'll never say no to a good dish with milk... have you ever tried chocolate flavored milk for taxi?? X)

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Post nr: 2427
Thread: [2407]
Author: nokaredes (*hisses*) Posted: (6661 days ago) Previous in thread: 2414 by Gengar
Subject: Chocolate

Yes, I did try that...but she refused XD She also refused several chocolate coated things...apparently she knew what was in the middle, or something...


Post nr: 2454
Thread: [2407]
Author: behind blue eyes (New name: Mystearica Grants) Posted: (6656 days ago) Previous in thread: 2414 by Gengar
Subject: Chocolate

that's how I am with bananas!


Post nr: 3068
Thread: [2407]
Author: Sasha Posted: (6215 days ago) Previous in thread: 2407 by nokaredes
Subject: Chocolate

A very strange preferences for a cat... I hope, chocolate don't make her feel ill.

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Post nr: 3088
Thread: [2407]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6182 days ago) Previous in thread: 3068 by Sasha
Subject: Chocolate

Animals of all kinds seem to have a preference for chocolate, even though it's bad for them ;) My friend's rabbit even likes the stuff!

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