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Align images and tables

You can now align images by using LIMG and RIMG instead of the normal IMG-tag.

See Align Example. This can make images on wiki-pages flow a little better with images in them.

You can also use tables now. it's simplified compared to HTML, so you write | (pipe) for a new column and --- (3 minus) for a new raw. Example: <table>Column 1|Column 2 --- First data | second data</table>

And it becomes:
Column 1
Column 2
First data
second data

See <URI:pseudo_html.html> for more.

Date: 2007-06-25 10:05:15
News #: 45
Reporter: Hedda

Creepy kitties Competition winners

Creepy kitties Competition has ended. These are the winner:

"I want to suck your blood!" by [~*adina*~]


Second place:
"My Alter (Felix) Ego" by [Orouriel]


Third place:
"vampire kitty"-[~*adina*~]


Cat Hugging Competition voting is now open in <poll:599>.

March Cat competition is still taking entries.

Date: 2007-05-02 14:09:41
News #: 44
Reporter: Hedda


Don't forget the two running contest:

Cat Hugging Competition
March Cat competition

The perfect opportunities to brag about how wonderful your cat(s) is! 

Date: 2007-04-02 05:42:55
News #: 43
Reporter: Hedda

Titles on images

You can now write titles on images. This is mostly useful if you are having images on exported wiki-pages and want them to be found in Google's image-search. Write the title you want by writing it inside parenthesis immediately after the image-tag. Like this:

<img:cathug6.jpg>(CatHug logo)
<img:cathug6.jpg> (Hover the pointer over the image and you'll see)

Date: 2006-12-31 13:39:13
News #: 42
Reporter: Hedda
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