599) Which is the best photo in the Cat Hugging competition?

Number of voters: 91
* a) <img150*0:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLinda%20de%20WaartMijn%20documentenMijn%20afbeeldingenMaal%26FriendzPetzpetz%20017.jpg>
Number of votes: 19 (21%)
* b) <img150*0:img/catimg/5935_1149895164.jpg>
Number of votes: 66 (73%)
* c) <img150*0:stuff/z/6312/Rudolf%2520and%2520Chara%2520/i1176285275_1.jpg>
Number of votes: 6 (7%)

2007-05-21 [shaz_batt]: how sweet are those little darlings!?

2007-08-30 [xio]: omg they look so cute!

2008-03-21 [White_Wolf69]: i choose b they cute well they all cute

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