Cat image missing.
28 Ways to make a girl smile...
1 Tell her you think shes beautiful, not hot or fine or sexy.
2 Hold her hand at any moment, even if its just for a second
3 Kiss her on the forehead
4 Leave her voice messages to wake up to
5 Always tell her you love her, at any and all times.
6 When shes upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.
7 Reconginize the small things, they usually mean the most
8 Call her sweetie and baby
9 Sing to her, no matter how horrible your voice is
10 Pick her over your guy friends, and especially girl friends
11 Write her notes, she LOVES them
12 Introduce her to family and friends as your GIRLFRIEND
13 Play with her hair
14 Pick her up, tickle her, play-wrestle with her
15 Sit in the park and talk to her
16 Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes
17 Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night, just because you missed her
18 Let her fall asleep in your arms
19 Carve your names into a tree
20 If she's mad at you, kiss her
21 Give her piggy back rides
22 Buy her ice cream
23 Treat her the SAME around your friends as you do when you're alone
24 Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants
25 Look her in the eyes
26 Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing
27 Kiss her in the rain
28 If you're in love with her, TELL her
My favorites
Song- Sugar, Were Going Down-Fall Out Boy
Movie- Never Benn Kissed and Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
Color- Pink and Yellow
Music- Mostly country
Drink- Doesn't really matter i like anything orange
Food- Chinese
Siblings- 3 Sisters
Fav. Store- Rue 21 and Deb
Name- Kelsey T
Age- 17
Brown hair
Blue Eyes
*~*Class Of 2008*~*
party naked
have a blast
mess wit us
we'll kick ur ass
Gettin wild
wear a thong
drink a 5th
smoke a bong
member the guy
member the kiss
member the nights
we're gunna miss
shawty don't u hate
cuz we're the
class of 2008
My best Friends are:
I know this sounds corny but my mom is my best firned , she always understands me and listens to me when i need to talk she responds with great advice .
Kathy- You are the most fun loving person in the world and when im down you make me go up again.You always know how to cheer me up.Even though we have got into a few times I know we will always make up no matter what you rock.. I love your corky style of putting things in to perpective.
Blair- Your like a sister to me and when were together we dont know what will happen.
You have always been there threw everytihng I have had bad in my life and ur like a sister so never change. Everyone like you just the way you are.(GREAT)
Kayla- Your style kills me and defitaly that black eyeliner you where no matter what I know you will be there if one of are friends falls hard and u will be there to pick them up with your spunky attitude and personality. We will always be behind you in everything you do.
Brittany- Your a very funny person and a great person to be around ans no matter what you will always be there for everyone.I am happy to have found a friend that is so family oreiented and your awesome.
Olivia- OMG, You make me laugh so hard in w. history. but for really you are a great friend. One thing u are to smart to be my friend lol. But also I hope everything goes wel for u in life,love, and everything.
Amanda- You are a great person and you really listen to me and I happy I have you in my life as a cousin and friend. I love ya big cuz.
Elizabeth- Your so funny and a really good person to be around.I love your corky attitude
Holly- Your the most great person I've ever met.Your so generus and I can tell you anything. Thanks for being there for me.
Anyways you guys are the most fun people to be around and even though you may not love me I love you all like sisters.
Dated one of your best friends :no
Loved/Liked: yeah
Cried: sometimes
Broken the law:well yeah everyones doing it lol
Broken a bone: yes my arm
Skinny dipped: yeah
Played Truth or Dare: yes
Come close to dying: no
burned yourself: yes
Given someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: yupp
Cried in public: yeah
Seen someone die: no
been in a fist fight: with my sister
given someone a bruise: yeah
gotten a bruise: yeah
knocked someone out: yeah
been knocked out: no
cut someone: no
been cut: no
Been rejected: yes..
Been in love: who really knows what love is .
Done something you regret: yeah
Been used: yeah
Are you psycho: NO!!!
1)what is your full name: Kelsey Miran Tolliver
2)what is your nickname: Kels, Boo, Baby Girl, and Daddy's Girl
3)when is your b-day? 12/6/89
4)where were you born? Indiana
5)What are your favorite colors? Black, Pink,and Yellow
6)Do you drink or ever been drunk? yeah
7) Have you ever done drugs? its a secret
8)Are you a virgin? MAybe
9)What is your style? comfortable i dont care what people think of me.
10)Have you ever broke the law? yeah.
11)How bad has it gotten you into trouble? grounded
12)What are you scared of most? Myself an Dying.
13)Who do you hate most? imature ppl
14)Who do you love the most? My Friends and my family.
15)Have you ever tried to commit suicide? Nope.
16)How many times? none
17)Any tattoos? nope
18)what do you want pierced? My tounge and belly button.
19)What's your favorite song? These are my people by rodney a
20)What’s your best feature? Eveyone says my eyes.
21) Whats your worst feature? My fat.
22)Best personality trait? Loyalaity
23)Worst personality trait? Moody
24)What saying do you think best describes you? Plain and Simple
25)Favorite place to be kissed? depends on whose doing it
26)Things that bug you? liers and backstabbers.
27)Favorite person(s) in the world right now? amanda and Elizabeth
28)Things that flat out piss you off? When a guy leads u on but doesnt keep ^ w/ it.
29)True Love? been there done that.
30)Something you want to learn to do? How to to meet my uncle I have never met
31)Favorite holiday? Christmas
32)If you could change something about you what would it be? my weight
35)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to have a good life and a family i want my kids to be raise the right way kids should be raise i want them to have respect mostly i just want to be a good mom.
Remember Girls*
*Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
*Who calls you back when you hang up on him,
*who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
*Wait for the boy who kisses your forhead,
*Who wants to show you off to the world
when you are in your sweats,
*Who holds your hand in front of his friends,
*Who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.
*Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you
of how much he cares about you
and how lucky he is to have you.
*Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."