Member #3273 created: 2005-05-31 20:00:53 | Simple URL: |
My beautiful baby!! CLEO!
Cat-owner |
Age: 19 | Year of birth: 1990 | Month of birth: 8 | Day of birth: 22 |
English |
American Bobtail | Birman | Cornish Rex |
Egyptian Mau | Exotic | Japanese Bobtail |
Korat | Maine Coon | Persian |
RagaMuffin | Ragdoll | Russian Blue |
Selkirk Rex | Siamese | Siberian |
Somali | Sphynx |
classical | eurodisco | goth |
grunge | heavy metal | new age |
opera | pop | progressive metal |
punk | rock | synth |
techno |
animals | art | books |
cats | chasing the preferred sex | cooking |
dancing | fashion | film |
gambling | history | party |
porn | singing | sewing |
slacking | shopping | theatre |
travelling | wine | writing |