# of watchers: 30
Fans: 0
| D20: 7 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-08-16 [chocolatemonster]: no one's stopping you from making a wiki, but if there's no competition, don't waste your time :P
2005-08-17 [Leara]: Theres no real need for anymore council or guards here, so it would just get the hopes up of members who applied. o.O
2005-10-12 [Hedda]: OK, I've updated this page to reflect reality a little more.
2005-10-13 [Sunrose]: :)
2005-10-15 [Leara]: O.O Now I feel special. XD
2005-11-09 [brittbritt]: how do you load a pic on your description?
2005-11-09 [kid]: sad
2005-11-10 [mae2006]: I wanna be in the crew let me be in the crew
2005-11-19 [*angel but deviled*]: can i please be on the crew?
2005-11-29 [bluesoulsearcher]: Negative, Red Do--er--Cat Leader.
2006-01-06 [SKULLHEAD]: Can some one give me uploading priv so that I can use my wiki to upload my images
2006-01-07 [Miss Lilu]: Meow...maybe..
2006-01-07 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)
2006-01-07 [Miss Lilu]: ^.^
2006-01-08 [SKULLHEAD]: thanks
2006-01-15 [xxlozzxx]: cool! lol! xxxxxxxxxxxx
2006-01-18 [Miss Lilu]: What is cool?
2006-01-23 [Sunrose]: What images will you upload?
2006-01-24 [magickchik]: different anime characterss and their kitties! but nothing inapropriate.
2006-02-01 [magickchik]: No,but you don't need permission to take these,b/cthey don't have a "copyright" on them,and,they'
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