2007-07-06 22:32:41
Previous: ![6391.My Cats](stuff/Photo/6391.My Cats/1/6391.0.jpg?xy=100) | | |
![6391.The Tigger.](stuff/Photo/6391.The%20Tigger./1%2f6391.The%20Tigger..0.jpg?xy=100)
This gorgeous orange boy is a Maine Coon mix who had been at the shelter way too long. He suffered anxiety, weighed in at only 6 pounds and I can tell you, he was a neurotic bunch of bones and fur who ducked his head every time I tried to pat him. It took 2 months of living in my home with peace and quiet with lots of coaxing from me to get him out from under the bed. Once he began trusting me, he overcame many of his fears altho, nearly 4 years later he still will not suffer himself to be held. He is still underweight at 12 pounds (that's small for a 'Coon Cat) but you can't easily feel his verderbrae any longer. He has a taste for the finer things in life, i.e., tapioca, vanilla yogurt, 2% milk, cottage cheese and occasionally, vanilla ice-cream, and he most happily has learned to tear up the junk mail that comes into this house.