[zoloftzantac]: 5812.Nap time

Rating: 1.05  
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2006-03-09 14:37:33


5812.Number One's Close Up
The kids taking a break after a hard day of trashing my house.

2006-03-15 Neon Pegasus: Hehehe! they do look tired so I can imagine the mess thay made...

2006-06-30 im confused alot: they are so awsome

2006-10-02 Hedda: It's a hard job to trash a house! But someone has to do it. Good for you that you have such hard workers!

2006-10-22 zoloftzantac: haha, yep, they love to wreck all of my stuff ^_^

2007-05-12 moses: hi lady its me disan and i would like to talk to and in case u do the same then link me on disanmalyabe@yahoo.com

2007-05-15 kittykittykitty: o_______0

zoloftzantac is not a 'lady' *lol*

2007-05-31 zoloftzantac: wtf?

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