GothicDepression Fan Club
This is a wiki that is for the people who love [
Innocent Suspicion]. Michelle and a few of her friends put it together. I would like to thank Kurt [
Immortal Death107] for creating my wiki banner. I Love ya's Kurt. Id also like to thank Sarah for giving my the courage to make a fan club. I Love You To Sarah [
It's My Pup Weeble!!!!! He's Beautiful!!!
This is me and my "sister" Sarah. It was tiwn day at school so we dressed up in all black. It was HOT.
From Left To Right These are my friends Sarah Hohl, Josh Carpenter, Brigette Stegman, And Chris Baley(Baley was a little late for the picture lol).
This is Me And My Best Friend since the seventh grade Ashley Fritz (she's a hottie lol. Shes my girl so dont even ask me to introduce you.)
This Is Me, my friend gavin was takeing the picture and the people behind him did something weird so i had a shocked look on my face lol.
And This Is The Famous [
Innocent Suspicion] Herself!!!!! HEHE!!!!!
Our First Banner Made By Kurt [
Immortal Death107]
Owner: [
Innocent Suspicion] WOOT!!!
Creatures: [
Immortal Death107]-Kurt mesa loves u(the banners great)
~Magiere~]-Mesa loves you Sarah thx for the help and support.
whitewolf]-Ish helping me with a banner!!!!
Stephen] - Michelle, you are great! I hope you have a fun and wonderful life, and we continue to be freinds for as long as possible. You and Keith better invite me to your wedding!
Immortal Death107]-U ARE AWESOMENESS!
~Magiere~]-I LOVE YOU MICHELLE,WHOOT WHOOT **Hugs and kisses you granny style**LOL
Dasner]- Your a great friend and very funny!!!! ^_^
a loud silence]- "She's a Great Friend of Mine"[
Innocent Suspicion]
::dead on arrival::]-WOOOOOOOOOOO thias girl rox dude
WickedClownz]-Cool Friends
Heart of a Lover]-[
Innocent Suspicion] is overly amazing
DUO]-She's The Best!!!!
This Wiki-Page, and [Innocent Suspicion] are both protected by [Stephen]. If you mess with either one, he will bite you... or ban you, depending on his mood! Beware!