Page name: Cats in Hiding [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-03 14:44:08
Last author: irulan
Owner: irulan
# of watchers: 7
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D20: 14
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See the rules on Cat Photography Contests! before entering your image!

The deadline is June 23rd.

The winners are:
1st place - Hiding in the Fireplace (2) - [Mokuba Chichiri]
2nd place - Hiding from the Heat - [nokaredes]

There were too many ties for 3rd. Winners will get their badges soon, and I will also make participation badges. Keep you eye out for the next contest, it will start tomorrow!

Post entries like this:

1. [user name] - "title"

1. [Mokuba Chichiri] - "Hiding in the fireplace"


2. [Mokuba Chichiri] - "Hiding in the fireplace"

3. Image was stolen from the internet. I will adjust the poll!

4. [Sekosen] - A cardboardbox IS the best hidingplace in the world!

5. [Sekosen] - Hide - and - seek.

6. [Gengar] - What...? You were not suppoused to be watching!

7. [TheEvilHat] - Cookie hideing in the washer, awww...

8. [Makuro] - Uh-oh, busted!!!

9. [Leara] - It Came From the Bushs

10. [Leara] - New piccy...Hades tore down the lining under the couch, so she hides under the couch, on the lining to sleep. >.>

11. [Sunrose]: Just be close to someone cuter than you, and you'll be invisible!

Me and Sushi!

12. [Sunrose]
Livingstone in our garden!

13. [Cassandrart] - Camouflaged kitty. SHe's hiding by medling with her mum's fur :p <img:>

14. [Neon Pegasus] - "Aria in a suitcase"

15. [Neon Pegasus] - "Bala hidding from my mum"

16. [nokaredes] - "Hiding from the heat" (Eli did that himself)

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2005-06-05 [irulan]: Yay - entries! We need more people, come on. :D 

2005-06-05 [catelfemma]: Can I enter? Thought I'd best check, because I'm on the crew.

2005-06-06 [irulan]: Definitely! :)

2005-06-06 [catelfemma]: Thank you! I need to look through my pictures for something I can submit!

2005-06-11 [Leara]: My poor kitty...I never leave her alone.

2005-06-11 [irulan]: Hehe, mine get tired of being stalked by a camera. ;)

2005-06-11 [Leara]: Hades is at the point now that when I go to take a picture she turns her head away, so my camera is full of pics of the back of her head.

2005-06-17 [Hedda]: Livingstone rocks in the jungle! ;-)

2005-06-22 [MeHugFudge]: I will HAVE to enter this...

2005-06-22 [Cassandrart]: I did! :D

2005-06-23 [irulan]: One more day - get your entries in! :D

2005-06-23 [Leara]: I have more pictures of I might change my entries, so no rush closing this..still tons of time to today. ^^;.

2005-06-26 [Mirime]: bah, I completely missed all this... stupid graduation :(

2005-06-26 [irulan]: Well don't worry, there will be a contest every month. :)

2005-06-29 [irulan]: Entry 3 has been disqualified, I had to change the poll. I can't move the votes, so they basically won't count.

2005-07-06 [nokaredes]: Yay! I won 2nd! I'm so happy! *glomps random watchers*

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