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Post nr: 3109
Thread: [3109]
Author: bickerstonehall Posted: (6344 days ago)

Hi, Everybody. I have two passions, Cats and Horses. I have a number of internet stores and soon hope to be able to open stores just for items related to Cats and Horses when I can find interesting stock in numbers to make this a viable venture.
All I can offer to share with you now are Stamps and Postcards issued by the Ukrainian Post Office which feature Six Breeds of Cat.
Scottish Fold, American Shorthair, Sphynx, Somali, Russian Blue and Snowshoe.
I have already set the Scottish Fold in a frame and have on disply. Sadly no Manx or Siameese, my other two special cats.
If you would like to see these Postcards please use the link below. You may have to copy and paste as i not sure how things work here yet.
One question. How did the Snowshoe get that name?
Great to be here hope to talk to some other members soon<img:kittyemo_smile.gif>

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