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Post nr: 3023
Thread: [150]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6650 days ago) Previous in thread: 3018 by H3_six
Subject: Sphinxes

Yeah, I do find some breeders sickening. There are many breeds of dog that live with respiratory problems because of the way they are bred (those dogs with folds of skin on their faces), and I know that certain breeds of cat and many other species are more likely to be blind or deaf, etc.

Also, breeders such as those mean that more pet owners will buy from a pet shop rather than adopting a needy animal from a shelter. It makes me feel so sad :(

But if they're making money from breeding them, it won't stop until the profits stop coming in :/

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