Junk Thread: [63]

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Post nr: 63
Thread: [63]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7250 days ago)
Subject: No junk

im not goin 2 rite an interestin well riten post- that was far too hard. I prefer writing in normal English. But junk is empty! Perhaps we CatHuggers aren't a very junky lot? I don't know!

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Post nr: 67
Thread: [63]
Author: Sunrose Posted: (7250 days ago) Previous in thread: 63 by catelfemma
Subject: No junk

I'm a junkie! ;)


Post nr: 73
Thread: [63]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7249 days ago) Previous in thread: 63 by catelfemma
Subject: No junk

We have enough shit in the cat toiletes ;-)

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Post nr: 154
Thread: [63]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7228 days ago) Previous in thread: 73 by Hedda
Subject: No junk

Thank God Ginny doesn't like using a litter tray! She does it all outside.
Translated into junk:
thnk gd gnny dont lik usn lttr tray she does it outsd.

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Post nr: 160
Thread: [63]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7227 days ago) Previous in thread: 154 by catelfemma
Subject: No junk

It's OK to throw away nice posting in the junk. Just don't put trash in the other forums ;-)


Post nr: 164
Thread: [63]
Author: Sunrose Posted: (7227 days ago) Previous in thread: 154 by catelfemma
Subject: No junk

better a litter tray than inside.. :P


Post nr: 2355
Thread: [63]
Author: *(',')* *SmEmA* *(',')* ([PINK WRITING IS PWETTYFUL]) Posted: (6886 days ago) Previous in thread: 63 by catelfemma
Subject: No junk

lol i'm bored so i pressed this button but i am a loner bean here lol so am leavin!

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Post nr: 2356
Thread: [63]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6886 days ago) Previous in thread: 2355 by *(',')* *SmEmA* *(',')*
Subject: No junk

You managed to put the posting in the right forum! ;-)

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Post nr: 2567
Thread: [63]
Author: superweasel (New name: superweasel has left CT!) Posted: (6758 days ago) Previous in thread: 2355 by *(',')* *SmEmA* *(',')*
Subject: No junk

ok then!

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Post nr: 2568
Thread: [63]
Author: superweasel (New name: superweasel has left CT!) Posted: (6758 days ago) Previous in thread: 2356 by Hedda
Subject: No junk

haha well done me. This still all confuses me though!

Next in thread: [2572]

Post nr: 2571
Thread: [63]
Author: Jamie (random) Posted: (6758 days ago) Previous in thread: 2567 by superweasel has left CT!
Subject: No junk

ok then!

Next in thread: [2577]

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