My cat and me

Post nr: 305
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7278 days ago)
Subject: [Lilo] got company (Texts: 3 )

[Sonic] and [kali] came home yesterday. It seems to work out fine. Lilo was a little bored when alone after all.


Post nr: 287
Author: Sunrose Posted: (7282 days ago)
Subject: Helmet! (Texts: 5 )

funny image:



Post nr: 221
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7297 days ago)
Subject: [Lilo] has something to say! (Texts: 39 )

Mja! Mjau! Mj-mj! Mjau!






Post nr: 130
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7327 days ago)
Subject: 2 cats from Elftown (Texts: 41 )


Member number 81505 on Elftown.


Post nr: 102
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7336 days ago)
Subject: Evil cats! (Texts: 39 )

I was watching James Bond tonight (Moonraker). First Lilo was nice in my lap. Then she got disturbed by my lime-smelling hands.

But Kali came and warmed my lap them. But when I had to leave for a short moment, she also got away, and then they refused to come back! Grrr!

Maybe it's because James treat women badly?


Post nr: 49
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7344 days ago)
Subject: TV-cat... (Texts: 7 )

Lilo loves TV it seems. At least lying on my lap while I'm watching it. The worse movie, the better for her...

But Kali is more of a computer cat, and lies in the lap while I sit here.

Sonic only lies in my lap on the toilate...


Post nr: 14
Author: BlackDragon (A cat's a cat and that's that) Posted: (7367 days ago)
Subject: Cat tricks... (Texts: 39 )

Just wondering, is there someone else out there who have learned their cat to do stuff?
My cat sits down when I tell him to do that, stands on his both backlegs, gives pawn(?), comes when I whistle and he can jump thru a cirkel thingy I hold up in the air.


Post nr: 9
Author: Clyde (<img:img/mood/15_1109727872.jpg> New house, LOTS of new prey!) Posted: (7369 days ago)
Subject: Kids and cats... (Texts: 1 )

My poor cat Clyde (aka Nuisance Cat) must be the world's most patient cat. He actually came up out of the basement family room to spend time with us and what does my eldest daughter (2 1/2yrs) do? Tries to ride him. I'm amazed he hasn't bitten her yet. Of course, he hightailed it back to the family room as fast as his paws would carry him. Poor guy...


Post nr: 8
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7372 days ago)
Subject: Sonic... (Texts: 14 )

Sonic is walking in my face now... While I'm sitting at the computer! Odd cat!


Post nr: 4
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7374 days ago)
Subject: Lilo was talky... (Texts: 18 )

Lilo was very talky when I started to use CatHug. Maybe she wanted to ask if there was any nice tomcat for her yet...

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