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Hell's Echo (depressed and a little tempermental)
Name: Danger Marie
this is an old pic of me I will get a new one up asap
I know you may think that i am hot but i want you to know that i am taken by the most wonderful guy i love NIKKO with all my heart
my three american short hairs arent they cute. In order Jetts (mine), Bobbie Notail Fuzball (my moms), and Nolead (step dads)
I am a knight don't mess with my queen or my prince
The Poem I wrote
[The Death of a Teenager
The day starts out
and I am happy
full of life
& loveing
But by afternoon
nothing seems right to me
I swim and then go home
no one is here
of corse
I grab a knife
lock the doors
change my voice mail & shut of my phone
run a bath of cold water
Cold as the world is to me
get in cloths still on
cut here
cut there
finnally can't handle it anymore
tears run down my cheeks
leaveing foot prints streaks
I take the knife
put it on my wrist
& pull straight down
cutting deep
the knife falls out of my hand
my arm lays in the water
turning the clear liquid
into a crimison red thing of beauty
I watch my life crimson substance
flow into my bath water
staning my cloths
& the paper white tub
I take a finger
wipe it in my blood
write on the wall
one simple word
I lay ther dieing in the tub
I think
think about my life
It wasn't so bad
my life wasn't waht made me do this
thoughts were
I pray to god
tell him I'm sorry
tell my grandparents
I'm sorry that I let them down
everything is fadeing now
so I close my eyes
finally I just go to sleep & never wake up
there are no bright lights
no fluffy clouds
just black nothingness of void
I guess this is it then
Its all over.]
Age: 17 | Year of birth: 1988 | Month of birth: 11 | Day of birth: 27 |
Gender: female human
What do you do?: Studying
Place of living: USA-Colorado
Exact place of living: Brighton
CatHug crew wannabe: Yes
Favorite cat-races
American Bobtail | American Shorthair | Balinese |
Colorpoint Shorthair | Norwegian Forest Cat | Persian |
Russian Blue | Scottish Fold | Siamese |
blues | classical | country |
hip hop | jazz | pop |
punk | rap | rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
boardgames | books | bridge |
card games | carpentry | cars |
cats | chasing the preferred sex | chess |
cooking | crime stories | dancing |
dogs | drinks | eating |
fantasy | fashion | film |
fishing | geography | history |
horses | hunting | knitting |
motorcycles | needlework | party |
physics | plants | poetry |
politics | porn | religion |
role playing | singing | scifi |
sewing | smoking | shopping |
sporting | theatre | travelling |
whisky | wine | writing |
Civil status: live together with partner
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: big breasted
Height: 157