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Date: 2011-08-01 13:17:17
Fact #: 50
Auther: djxmonster
They know how you feel!
Submitted by [
Both humans and cats have identical regions in the brain responsible for emotion. This could mean that, contrary to non-cat-owner belief, they feel the same emotions you do :)
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Date: 2007-05-03 14:25:27
Fact #: 49
Auther: kittykittykitty
Garlic breath
Submitted by [
Miss Lilu]
Myth: Putting garlic on a pet's food will get rid of worms.
Fact: Garlic may make the animal's food taste better but has no effect on worms. The most effective way to treat worms is by medication prescribed by a veterinarian.
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Daily Kitty Fact.
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Date: 2007-03-12 16:51:58
Fact #: 48
Auther: kittykittykitty
How many bones?
Submitted by [
A cat has from 230 to 250 bones in it's body. Most domestic cats have 244 and a human has 206 bones. The determining factor has to do with how long a cat's tail is, and how many toes the animal has.
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Daily Kitty Fact. To suggest facts yourself go to
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Date: 2006-09-03 21:19:27
Fact #: 47
Auther: kittykittykitty