This is Boots, who has recently left the world of the living. His brother, Tigger, is still alive and well, but is also getting up in years. Boots was named for the white boots on his paws. He was a fairly laid back kitty, except when something prowled around outside, at which point he would immediately go to whatever window was closest, and chase the intruder off with threatening hisses and yowls. Boots loved his food most of all, and the word, "Food!" could rouse him from even the deepest sleep. When Boots finally let go, he had been living for a few weeks of not being able to get up at all. We allowed him to be put to sleep, and kept a clipping of his fur. Boots is sorely missed, and we're sure that the cat-owner in the sky can still get him up with a cry of, "Boots, food!"
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Date: 2007-05-03 21:18:06
Cat #: 104
Reporter: Striker lone_wolf
This is my abnormally small tortie cat, Mimi. She was found in a parkinglot with her two little brothers and were fortunately taken in by a certain cat rescue center that i volunteered at for a while. Mimi's brother's were quickly adopted and it soon became aparent that nobody seemed willing to adopt her (possibly because she woudln't let anybody near :P). By the end of the day i had bonded with her but i knew i woudl not be able to take her home with me because of my mom's allergies. Some way, somehow, my mom accepted her and here she is, an amazing cat with amazing markings who will occasionally sleep on the book you're reading or on the keyboard and put pieces of clothing into her water dish when she thinks i'm not looking.
Little Insane Cat]
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Date: 2007-04-12 23:51:15
Cat #: 103
Reporter: Striker lone_wolf
Penny Jane aka PJ
This is PJ. PJ's real name is Penny Jane, but PJ is shorter so that's what we call her. She is a lovely cat with a bright orange coat with tabby markings, a white belly and neck, and shimmering green eyes. She is extremly shy, in fact she is scared of my best friend, but she loves me. She follows me around everywhere. Her favorite pass times are teasing my dog, trying to catch the frogs in our pond (which is really funny because she hates the water), curling up in my lap, and hanging out with a stray cat that comes around once in a while.
kitty of doom=^.^=]
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Date: 2007-04-12 23:43:13
Cat #: 102
Reporter: Striker lone_wolf
This is my little Azariel. I found him and his 5 brothers and sisters in a plastic bag on the street. They were 3-4 weeks old and very very cute. This is my favourite though - when I feed it, it doesn't make such a mess and after it's fed it falls asleep immediately in my hands... ^_^
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Date: 2007-01-26 05:26:52
Cat #: 101
Reporter: Hedda