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This is Lucius, and yes, his full name is Lucius Malfoy XP. He's nearly one years old now ^^. He's the most loving cat I have ever had, simply because he's like a mother hen to me. He makes sure I get up in the morning (usually by sitting on my chest and purring very loudly), he makes sure I eat (by way of staring me out until I've eaten), and he likes to clean me (it sounds disgusting, but really, all he does is lick my hand xP). He loves to be cuddled, and be smoothed, and has a very loud purr which sometimes annoys me, especially when I'm trying to sleep.
By [sequeena_rae]

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Date: 2006-09-26 06:59:46 Cat #: 100 Reporter: catelfemma


This is Chester... he was being very lazy that day. Chester is two and a half years old. He was a gift from my mom when my kitten died. He usually climbs through my window at night to sleep with me, but other than that, he stays outside. He's usually creeping around the barn, hunting mice. He loves to fight with the dogs. He always wins, lol. When I told him it was time to cut the grass, he jumped up there and demanded to drive ^_^
By [Redneck farmgirl]

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Date: 2006-08-27 17:40:54 Cat #: 99 Reporter: catelfemma



This is my baby boy, Tuffy! We call him Tuff-man ^_^.
At first, his name was Tuffy because when he was a kitten, he had a big fluffy tuft on his back. But he almost died about 2 weeks after he moved into my house. His back got stepped on really hard, and he went into shock. Luckily, he only got a hurt back. Then when he was about 1 year old, he got hit by a car, coming out to only have a hurt side. Another half year after that, he was attacked by a dog (it was a bloody mess!) and he was ok.
So now, his name is Tuffy, or Tuff-Man, because he's the toughest cat I know, and he's so lovey-dovey, and I love him. =P
By [Jaded]

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Date: 2006-06-24 11:57:28 Cat #: 98 Reporter: catelfemma

Mr. Orange and Anika

Please meet Mr. Orange and Anika. :) They are older now, but I still love this photo of when they were baby kittens. This was taken the day my (ex)girlfriend brought them home. You can see they look a little nervous and Ani is hiding behind her big brother a bit. About 10 seconds after this photo they ran off and hid under the bed :) By [zoloftzantac]

If you want to see your cat here, go to Cat of the Day.

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Date: 2006-05-12 11:44:43 Cat #: 97 Reporter: catelfemma
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