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Keeping Your Cat Safe [Logged in view]
2006-08-18 23:57:21
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Keep Your Cat Safe
Tips and facts on keeping your kitty safe and healthy! Make extra precautions when having one of the mentioned items in your household because they can harm your cat, and follow other tips and signs to ensure your cat is healthy and happy! If you have a Kitty Fact you would like to submit, please put it on Your Helpful hints and facts, where it will be verified and moved to the appropriate section
Some types of the Lily flower can cause kidney failure to your cat if eaten. These are Easter lily, tiger lily, rubrum, Japanese show lily and some species of day lily. And it is a very serious thing.
Your cat can develop kidney failure in 36-72 hours after eating the lily. The lily is especially poisonous but here is a long list of other plants that can me poisonous to cats.
Poisonous plants
Potpourri oil can cause stomach problems and require many days of hospitalisatio
n. Also if it gets on the cats fur it can cause extreme pain and irritation.
Make sure to keep alcoholic drinks out of reach of your Cat for if ingested can lead to sickness and in the most extreme case a coma.
Chocolate is also toxic to cats, but they aren't likely to eat it as they don't like sweet foods like we do because there yastebuds are different
Another problem to cats are the common drugs paracetamol and aspirin! They are especially deadly, but remember to keep all drugs out of your cat's way to stop the possibility of them thinking tablets are fun things to play with!
-A form of AIDS exists in cats.
-Though rare, cats can contract canine heart worms.
-Cats can get tapeworms from eating fleas. These worms live inside the cat forever, or until they are removed with medication. They reproduce by shedding a link from the end of their long bodies. This link crawls out the cat's anus, and sheds hundreds of eggs. These eggs are ingested by flea larvae, and the cycles continues. Humans may get these tapeworms too, but only if they eat infected fleas. Cats with tapeworms should be dewormed by a veterinarian.
-There are tiny, parasitic worms that can live in a cat's stomach. These worms cause frequent vomiting.
-Cats must have fat in their diet, because they can't produce it on their own. Never feed your cat dog food, because cats need five times more protein than dogs do.
-Human painkillers such acetaminophen (Tylenol) are toxic to cats. Chocolate is also poisonous to cats. Beware!
Submitted by [catelfemma]
A cat's normal body temperature is 101.5 degrees F (38.6 C).
Submitted by [nokaredes]
-A smooth, shiny coat is the sign of a healthy cat.
Submitted by [Ms. JuJu]

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