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Felines of Mirkwood [Logged in view]
2005-01-02 09:13:05
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Felines of Mirkwood
Just click on the name (Or nickname in some cases) of the cat you want to see.

Poetry, Drawings, ect.
A Prescious Gift"
By: [
Redneck Archeress]
We're sending you a precsious gift,
Please handle with much care.
Dear Lord we know You love her,
So, You took her to be Yours up there.
She likes to play with all her friends,
She likes to sleep much too.
We just want You and her to know,
That we love her just like You.
Please take this special delivery,
Please handle with
much care.
For we know she will be happier,
To live with Thee up there.
(In sweet memory of Tigger. This poem featured below in Tigger's memorial section.)

March 23, 2004 - April 8, 2004
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