[Paz]: 5798.Kittie Album.Sooty

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2006-03-10 03:36:19


5798.Kittie Album


5798.Kittie Album.
This is my black cat with the worst attitude of any cat ever... Sooty! Watch your back or else she might just sink her claws into it ;3

2006-03-14 angel in disguise: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

2006-03-14 Paz: haha XD Glad you think so...

2006-03-15 Neon Pegasus: She is pretty! Too bad she's eeeeevil! I hope she's not eeeeevil to your fluffy cat!

2006-03-15 Paz: She is evil to everyone including Hercules (he's her brother >.>). She has her moments though ;P

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