2005-12-01 Shaz: i think dat u both luk really sweet togetha but u can av a betta one of ya both 2005-12-02 daddysgirl100%: this pic is so sweet 2005-12-05 big one: i would bone her 2006-02-13 yoda1989: u r hot 2006-02-16 puff: u both really suit eachover. dont let any one come between u cause it happend to me so keep eachover close to ur hearts. xxxx 2006-02-17 rupert: bab u really suit no matta wat any 1 says or does! u could still be 2geva 1 day its not impossible really is it? 2006-03-30 babe1214: i think u 2 stuit eachother and i think u should be back together and he is stupid to dump u becuse u r pretty [sexi jordan]: 5452 (Top Index)
Rating: 0.30
n if hes wif ant 1 else hes a wrongun really lol! dw nay x x