2005-10-13 Neon Pegasus: Maybe Jack is a more suitable name for Lilo :P I just love the colour of her fur!! So strange! 2005-10-14 Hedda: Jack?!? No... She needs a much fancier name. 2005-12-03 Neon Pegasus: well, at least in this picture.. Lilo-in-a-box is not as cute as Jack-in-a-box! 2006-01-11 angelkitty77: my cats loves boxes 2006-01-13 Hedda: I think all cats do ;-) 2006-11-22 Pretty Kitty: I've put a pic of one of my cats up, he is sqeezed into a box that had cola in it, he's a big cat and the box is tiny![Hedda]: 2.box-lilo
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