[Neko-Chan]'s diary

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Written about Friday 2005-03-11
Written: (7226 days ago)

Why Neko-Chan Hates Snow

One day about two years ago, Neko-Chan and her family decided to go skiing/snowboarding. Both Neko and her brother [shmoe] could invite one friend. So Neko invited [her stupid friend who is not on elftown].

This would be Nekos fist time snowboarding so she got lessons. The instuctor told them how to start and sent Neko half way down the hill before she fell over because he never said how to stop. This was very frustrating *grrr!*. Then after Neko spent 20 minutes trying to get up she realized that both instuctor, friend, and class had ditched her. So she tried to get down on her own.

About a third of the way down she gave up, took off her snowboard and walked down the rest of the way (falling in many snow filled holes). When she got to the bottom she found she had beaten her friend and instructor down the hill and they were now doing some strange dance together down the rest of it. (he was trying to keep her on her feet) Neko waited until her friend got down and then they went back up the hill together. After they got back up the hill they went into the lodge and tried to call Neko's parents on the walky talkys.

After waiting a good 20 more minutes, Neko's parents came and they all ate lunch. Afterwards Neko asked if she and her friend could go tubing instead of snowboarding. Neko's parents aggreed and bought both her and her friend a helmet.

When they got out there, Neko's friend said she had never been tubing before (at least thats how Neko read it, but she ment she had never been tubing here before *grrr*). So Neko aggreed to go down first.

"I'll show you how its done," Neko foolishly said, as she got on the tube by laying on her stomic. *stupid Neko*

So she went down the hill. She started to pick up alot of speed and looked over her sholder as she saw herself wizzing past skiers and other people, who stared at her as if to say 'that persons a dork!' (becuse she is ^_^)

Well what Neko didnt know is that this particular tube run was unlike any she had been on before. On the tube runs she had been on before they where shaped like a "U", you went down then up and then harmlessly drifted down to the bottom. This tube run was shaped more like this -> \ then at the bottom there was about ten feet to stop and then a wall of frozen hay bails... and some soft looking pillows... that went soft, but frozen hard as a rock. There was also a man who was supost to run out and stop you before you hit the hay bails.

So here came Neko, flying down the hill. The man yelled somthing at her but she didnt hear it. She tryed to drag her feet to slow her self as she wached the approching hay bails. But her little toes draging didnt slow her. She looked up as her tube hit a small incline in the snow and she took flight. Closeing her eyes she prepared for contact.

"Oh, Crap" was the last thought that went though her head as she colided with the hey bails (or the soft looking pillows.... thats what I was aming for)

Though in unconcuosness she could hear the man, who was suppost to stop this from happining talking in the distance, and feeling that some twine netting had caught her body. Then she felt pressure on her right arm as the man pulled her out of her safe net and she hit the ground hard.

That caused her to wake up. Stabing pain shoot up her right arm. She couldnt take it, she was scared and wanted her friend, (who had promised she would come down right after her). Neko heard her somone come down the hill and begain calling her friends name, but there was no responce.

So besides intrutions not to move while the man who was supost to not let this happen called for help (Im not blaming it on him... just dont know what else to call him ^_^) Neko looked up to find a frgitend looking little girl staring at her and running off with her tube. That having used all her energy Neko let her head fall back to the ground (scaring the tar out of... Man, we will just call him man from now on).

Soon help came, like 12 of help, why we needed 12 of help to get Neko off the mountan, and why they all keeped asking her the same questions, we may never know. But 12 help came, and started asking the same two questions over and over again.
#1. "What is your name?"
#2. "What School do you go to?"
Soon Neko finaly heard another tube comeing, this time she lifted her head first. Low and behold it was her friend...finaly.

As soon as Neko's friend came over Neko told her to get in her poket and get out the walky talky to tell Neko's parents she was hurt and they were takeing her to the first aid building... that was more of a shack. They put Neko on a snowmobile and headed up the mountain.

To Be Continued... (the bells gonna ring)
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Written about Tuesday 2005-03-08
Written: (7228 days ago)

Found this at [jfd]'s house.

[You smoke:] No
[Hobbies:] Drawing, Webpage Design, writing (when I dont have eternal writers block *sigh*) and Role Playing. (does that count as a hobbie?)
[Favourite colour:] Lavender, silver, black, and soemtimes blue.
[Tattoo:] Dont have any
[Country you'd like to go to:] Japan
[Are there people you won't reply to?:] Not really anyone inparticular... except maybe pirverts.
[Nicest person (or ppl): my friends:] I only have one friend on Cat Hug right now. ^_^ All the others are on Elftown
[Person you rather not have met:] Jamie M*****
[Who would you like to meet?:] I dont know. I havent met them yet.
[Who do you admire most?:] [Sunrose] (online) and my Best Friend Zanity (on elftown)
[Most sexy person (or ppl):] Um.....
[Hair color:] Dirty Dish Water Blond
[Favorite movie(s):] hummm... I dont know, Ill have to get back to you on that.
[Favorite music:] Linkin Park, Evenesince (spelling wrong *sigh*) Yellow Card... and many more.
[Favorite city:] Seatle...
[Faorite sound:] the sound a sword/dagger makes when you pull it out of its sheath.
[What is under your bed:] Evil dust bunnys that my friend has control over and they attack me.
[Favorite food:] Pizza (of course ^_^)
[Favorite drink:] Limonade
[Lucky number:] 296
[What do you think is greatest about yourself:] My nose and face.
[Favorite shoes:] Skechers, Vans
[What time do you go to bed on weekdays:] 9 if I can
[What words do you use most:] Crap, whops, and meh.
[You spend your time rather inside or outside:] Inside
[What do you do on the weekends?:] Usualy chorse
[What class in school do/did you dislike most?:] Earth Systems
[Your breakfast:] lately, a little cup of fruit and a little bowl of cerial.
[What do you really hate/dislike to eat?:] "Anything healthy" as my mom whould say.
[Pets:] 2 cats, 1 dog (a smelly dog it I may say)
[Laugh or dream:] Dream
[Serious or funny:] Depends on my mood
[fast or slow:] Fast
[You prefer being alone or have relationship:] Dont know, never had a "relationship"
[Simple or complicated?:] Simple
[Stay up late or go to bed early:] Stay up late... but only durring the summer when I dont have to get up early
[Light or dark:] Dark
[White/Black/Other:] Black and other
[Speak or silence:] Depends whos speaking
[Tall/small, man/woman?:] Tall man
[Life or death:] Life
[Left or right:] Both
[What would you ask God if you could ask one question?:] When we go to heaven, will we have innies or outies?
[You believe in Aliens?:] Most the time.
[When you die, what will your last words be?:] "What does this button do?"
[Does true love exist?:] Yes
[What is the one(or two) thing(s) you can't stand:] People who assume things, Jamie M****
[What are you afraid of?:] being afraid.
[Are you an emotional person?:] Sometimes
[Do you ever cry during a movie:] Always... becuse the light from it makes my eyes water... I cryed durring Pirates of the Caribean, and my friends wont let me forget it.
[Your goal in life:] not to die in a firey explostion.

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Written about Monday 2005-02-14
Written: (7250 days ago)

Dang it! Im sick.... thats what I get for talking on the phone, outside, in the dark. when its windy, in the rain, wet, for four hours or so....*sigh*

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Written about Monday 2005-01-31
Written: (7264 days ago)

I hope [Hedda] knows how much fear he puts into me. Im terrified of athority (bad experince of being pulled over by a cop). I never use to be.... but Ive been this way for about half a year.... You should see me when there is cops around....

 The logged in version 

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