Found this at [jfd]'s house.
[You smoke:] No
[Hobbies:] Drawing, Webpage Design, writing (when I dont have eternal writers block *sigh*) and Role Playing. (does that count as a hobbie?)
[Favourite colour:] Lavender, silver, black, and soemtimes blue.
[Tattoo:] Dont have any
[Country you'd like to go to:] Japan
[Are there people you won't reply to?:] Not really anyone inparticular..
[Nicest person (or ppl): my friends:] I only have one friend on Cat Hug right now. ^_^ All the others are on Elftown
[Person you rather not have met:] Jamie M*****
[Who would you like to meet?:] I dont know. I havent met them yet.
[Who do you admire most?:] [Sunrose] (online) and my Best Friend Zanity (on elftown)
[Most sexy person (or ppl):] Um.....
[Hair color:] Dirty Dish Water Blond
[Favorite movie(s):] hummm... I dont know, Ill have to get back to you on that.
[Favorite music:] Linkin Park, Evenesince (spelling wrong *sigh*) Yellow Card... and many more.
[Favorite city:] Seatle...
[Faorite sound:] the sound a sword/dagger makes when you pull it out of its sheath.
[What is under your bed:] Evil dust bunnys that my friend has control over and they attack me.
[Favorite food:] Pizza (of course ^_^)
[Favorite drink:] Limonade
[Lucky number:] 296
[What do you think is greatest about yourself:] My nose and face.
[Favorite shoes:] Skechers, Vans
[What time do you go to bed on weekdays:] 9 if I can
[What words do you use most:] Crap, whops, and meh.
[You spend your time rather inside or outside:] Inside
[What do you do on the weekends?:] Usualy chorse
[What class in school do/did you dislike most?:] Earth Systems
[Your breakfast:] lately, a little cup of fruit and a little bowl of cerial.
[What do you really hate/dislike to eat?:] "Anything healthy" as my mom whould say.
[Pets:] 2 cats, 1 dog (a smelly dog it I may say)
[Laugh or dream:] Dream
[Serious or funny:] Depends on my mood
[fast or slow:] Fast
[You prefer being alone or have relationship:] Dont know, never had a "relationship"
[Simple or complicated?:] Simple
[Stay up late or go to bed early:] Stay up late... but only durring the summer when I dont have to get up early
[Light or dark:] Dark
[White/Black/Other:] Black and other
[Speak or silence:] Depends whos speaking
[Tall/small, man/woman?:] Tall man
[Life or death:] Life
[Left or right:] Both
[What would you ask God if you could ask one question?:] When we go to heaven, will we have innies or outies?
[You believe in Aliens?:] Most the time.
[When you die, what will your last words be?:] "What does this button do?"
[Does true love exist?:] Yes
[What is the one(or two) thing(s) you can't stand:] People who assume things, Jamie M****
[What are you afraid of?:] being afraid.
[Are you an emotional person?:] Sometimes
[Do you ever cry during a movie:] Always... becuse the light from it makes my eyes water... I cryed durring Pirates of the Caribean, and my friends wont let me forget it.
[Your goal in life:] not to die in a firey explostion.
Dang it! Im sick.... thats what I get for talking on the phone, outside, in the dark. when its windy, in the rain, wet, for four hours or so....*sigh*
I hope [Hedda] knows how much fear he puts into me. Im terrified of athority (bad experince of being pulled over by a cop). I never use to be.... but Ive been this way for about half a year.... You should see me when there is cops around....