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My cat and me  
Post nr: 145
Thread: [130]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7321 days ago) Previous in thread: 137 by Sunrose
Subject: My clever kitty!

My cat has just proved how intelligent she is once and for all. We've got one of those locking cat-flaps, and mostly we lock her out at night.
This will happen no more.
She's worked out that if she head-butts the cat-flap enough times, then the little clip of the locking device will spring out (and this was quite a high-tech cat-flap) and then all she has to do is push hard against it and the whole cover wil come out. ANd so, she can get inside!
My clever little baby!

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