The CatHug wiki Thread: [887]

Post nr: 887
Thread: [887]
Author: pheric25 (Baby when you're gone...) Posted: (7156 days ago)
Subject: Wiki

How do you make a Wiki?

Next in thread: [890]

Post nr: 890
Thread: [887]
Author: nokaredes (*hisses*) Posted: (7156 days ago) Previous in thread: 887 by pheric25
Subject: Wiki

What you do is first, pick a name for your wiki page. You should find a field labeled 'Wiki-page' below the status bars to the right. Write the name you chose for your new page in the field and click on 'Go!' and if you don't get a wiki with the text 'This is an empty page', the name is taken and you have to choose another name.

Near the bottom of the page there is a field for adding comments to the page without editing it and some buttons for determining how the comments are displayed or for not showing the comments at all.

Just above the comments there is a button labeled 'Edit this page'. When you click on it, you get some new fields at the top of the page. First there is a field called 'Page name'. Usually you don't want to change the page name, so leave that alone. If the page is password protected, or if you are the creator of the page, there will be a field for entering the password for editing the page. To password-protect the wiki that you've created, you enter a new password in this field.

Finally, there is a larger box where you can edit the contents of the page. The contents can be formatted with pseudo-HTML.

When you have made your changes, click on the button labeled 'Submit changes to this page', and you will see the page as it looks after your modifications.

When you have made your page, you probably want to add a link to it from somewhere (another wiki page, your bio, etc). The code for a link looks like this: page_name. Put the name of your page instead of page_name. On the wiki page the link will look like the page name. Look at how others have written links if this sounds confusing!

You should also watch all wiki pages you create. Click 'Start watching this wikipage' to start watching it, which means that you will get a notification below the status bars each time someone edits the page. If you don't want to watch the page, you should at least add it to your notes, so you can find it later without having to remember the name yourself.

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