Cat medicine Thread: [683]

Post nr: 683
Thread: [683]
Author: nokaredes (*hisses*) Posted: (7016 days ago)
Subject: Lola

We don't know what's wrong with our cat...first she wasn't eating and this fat cat went down to skin and bones...we took her to 3 different vets and the first one said it was her mouth, her teeth and gums were sore, and $400 and one week later that was supposedly fixed. But she was still not gaining weight, so we took her to vet#2, who said it was liver cancer, and so did #3 (our regular vet now), who gave us prescription food. We let her into my bedroom, which she is not usually allowed in, all the time, so she could eat without the other cats bothering her...and she started gaining weight, and feeling better, and getting herself into trouble by knocking plants over and trying to eat my gerbil >< so then she was allowed to go in my room only to eat. and that went okay for awhile, and we didn't get any more prescription food, and she went back to eating normal cat food. And now she's fat, and I think she's sick, because she's constipated (can't go poop) and doesn't like to be picked up. so now she's on a diet, and tries to eat anything!! I keep trying to get my mom to take her to the vet, but she doesn't go. :(

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Post nr: 685
Thread: [683]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7015 days ago) Previous in thread: 683 by nokaredes
Subject: Lola

Your mum won't take her to the vet's or Lola won't go? Because it sounds to me like you really ought to take her back to the vet's.

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Post nr: 688
Thread: [683]
Author: hyperharmonie (New name: nokaredes) (*hisses*) Posted: (7015 days ago) Previous in thread: 685 by catelfemma
Subject: Lola

my mom won't. I keep trying to tell her that Lola needs to go, but she says no. Probably because of the bills.

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Post nr: 692
Thread: [683]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7015 days ago) Previous in thread: 688 by nokaredes
Subject: Lola

Where do you live? If you're in Britain, and it's a serious problem, you might be able to get treatment free from the RSPCA. There might be similar organisations in other countries as well, I'm not sure.

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Post nr: 705
Thread: [683]
Author: hyperharmonie (New name: nokaredes) (*hisses*) Posted: (7014 days ago) Previous in thread: 692 by catelfemma
Subject: Lola

I live in Maryland, USA, and we have the ASPCA and they charge for their services :(.


Post nr: 1079
Thread: [683]
Author: Miss Lilu (Miss Lilu's Free Graphics Yay take a look!) Posted: (6992 days ago) Previous in thread: 683 by nokaredes
Subject: Lola

It sounds like your cat has diabetes. Something along the same lines happened to a friends (very very large cat), Just the symptoms sound all the same. My my god medical bills for pets are outrageous! When I went to read this I looked at a medical article it dose sound a bit similar, the loseing and gaining weight patters. Maybe it could be of some help ^.^

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Post nr: 1081
Thread: [683]
Author: nokaredes (*hisses*) Posted: (6991 days ago) Previous in thread: 1079 by Miss Lilu
Subject: Lola

Alright then...thanks! I'll check it out.

[Edit:] I don't think that's what she has because the problem was that she wouldn't eat, not even the most expensive canned food or even human-food (tuna, turkey, etc.) Now the problem is that she's completly round because she has a super-appetite.

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