CatHug, newbie questions

Post nr: 2378
Author: lil t lvin kimbo (New name: sexi jordan) Posted: (6965 days ago)
Subject: heya (Texts: 1 )

heya ever1 im new


Post nr: 2101
Author: chocolatemonster (Gone for 2 Weeks!!!) Posted: (7074 days ago)
Subject: banners (Texts: 3 )

lets say i made a banner on the paint program that comes with Windows, would I be able to put it on a wiki... if so, how could I?


Post nr: 1965
Author: chocolatemonster (Gone for 2 Weeks!!!) Posted: (7103 days ago)
Subject: Photo album (Texts: 2 )

The picture I submitted to my photo album came up enormous... you can hardly view it well it's so big. How do I make it a normal size?


Post nr: 1945
Author: chocolatemonster (Gone for 2 Weeks!!!) Posted: (7108 days ago)
Subject: Pics (Texts: 2 )

How do I take a picture from someone's page and make it appear on a wiki page?


Post nr: 1929
Author: chocolatemonster (Gone for 2 Weeks!!!) Posted: (7111 days ago)
Subject: Font sizes (Texts: 2 )

How do I make some words on a wiki page appear bigger than others?


Post nr: 1322
Author: nokaredes (*hisses*) Posted: (7177 days ago)
Subject: Photoalbums (Texts: 2 )

I don't quite understand the photoalbums, and the Mainstreet-poll has motivated my lazy self to ask, how do they work? They look like wiki-editing pages without a title, and that's why they confuse me. Is that what they are? *scratches her head*


Post nr: 1320
Author: vanillamonster Posted: (7178 days ago)
Subject: Wiki's (Texts: 2 )

What are wiki's? How do you join wiki's? What is the point of a wiki?

Answer ASAP


Post nr: 1317
Author: vanillamonster Posted: (7179 days ago)
Subject: Uploading Pictures (Texts: 5 )

Question! How do I upload pictures onto cathug if I don't have a scanner. Lets say if they're on my computer through a digital camera or something saved as a jpeg?


Post nr: 1235
Author: Dante_the_cat (stop asking me for money!!!!!! damn you!) Posted: (7199 days ago)
Subject: um i need help (Texts: 7 )

i need to upload more than one pic..but i dont know how..can anybody please help me??


Post nr: 1234
Author: Dante_the_cat (stop asking me for money!!!!!! damn you!) Posted: (7199 days ago)
Subject: um i need help (Texts: 1 )


Post nr: 387
Author: pixie_shimmer (<img:img/mood/15_1109727419.jpg>) Posted: (7276 days ago)
Subject: Exporting pages (Texts: 3 )

Am I imagining it, or when you make a new wiki page, does it automatically make an exported version?


Post nr: 225
Author: pixie_shimmer (<img:img/mood/15_1109727419.jpg>) Posted: (7298 days ago)
Subject: Cathug Graphics (Texts: 7 )

Is there currently a place for Cathug Graphics - (Like Elftown Graphics)


Post nr: 214
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7304 days ago)
Subject: Forums (Texts: 2 )

A quick question- the 'Dictatorship' or 'Anarchy' thing about private forums. Dictorship- you have complete control. Anarchy- no one has any control. What does that mean in forum terms???

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