Cat psycology Thread: [3069]

Post nr: 3069
Thread: [3069]
Author: Sasha Posted: (6217 days ago)
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

He becomes really crazy when he feels the smell of olives. He miaoooouuus and eats 2 or 3. Later he starts to roll over the floor as if he were a wanna-sex-female-cat...

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Post nr: 3074
Thread: [3069]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6215 days ago) Previous in thread: 3069 by Sasha
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

Kind of like cat-nip?

[Lilo] very seldom eats something new. She likes it better when I'm trying to giver her some food, than the food itself.

It's quite common that she's very eager that I make some food for her, bring it out and put it on a plate. She's so happy with me while I'm doing this. Then she smells a little at the food and walks away and eats the food some other time.

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Post nr: 3077
Thread: [3069]
Author: Sasha Posted: (6215 days ago) Previous in thread: 3074 by Hedda
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

What do you give her? My cats eat "food for cat", doctors said that they must not eat meat fish milk and all food, that people eat.

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Post nr: 3079
Thread: [3069]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6215 days ago) Previous in thread: 3077 by Sasha
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

I give her some scientifically correct cat food.

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Post nr: 3080
Thread: [3069]
Author: Sasha Posted: (6215 days ago) Previous in thread: 3079 by Hedda
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

And me. But my cats want and ask me to give them some human food, youghurts for example...
I don't give them, but sometimes they steal something.

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Post nr: 3081
Thread: [3069]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (6215 days ago) Previous in thread: 3080 by Sasha
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

I don't think it's a problem to give them something now and then. It's not like it's poison for them, but an unbalanced diet can be bad. I'm very sure that yoghurt is better for cats than french fries are for humans, but that doesn't say much... <img:kittyemo_crazy.gif>

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Post nr: 3082
Thread: [3069]
Author: Sasha Posted: (6215 days ago) Previous in thread: 3081 by Hedda
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

you are right. sometimes i give him yoghurt. I just can't refuse him when I see him running straight to me as soon as he hears the sound of oprning refrigerator.


Post nr: 3089
Thread: [3069]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6184 days ago) Previous in thread: 3080 by Sasha
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

I often let my cat lick the lid for yoghurt ^-^ Though cats are quite sensible... they stop eating when they are full or have had too much, so I don't think it's a big problem to give them some yoghurt or dairy now and then.

Sometimes they might seem interested in taking some food, but they're just curious about what you're having. If you let them have a sniff they might not be interested.


Post nr: 3090
Thread: [3069]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6184 days ago) Previous in thread: 3077 by Sasha
Subject: My cat eats olives!!!

Fish and meat is bad because it's usually cooked with extra salt, and too much is not good for anybody. Also the bones can be a hazard, as cooked bones are very brittle and make hurt the cat it they eat any. (of course, uncooked meat will be harmful too because of the diseases with farm animals).

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