Cat races Thread: [150]

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Post nr: 150
Thread: [150]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7079 days ago)
Subject: Sphinxes

No postings? Fine.
This might transfer into the 'debate' forum if lots of people disagree, but I think sphinxes look like rats and breeding them in the first place is cruel.

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Post nr: 157
Thread: [150]
Author: Hedda (monster creation) Posted: (7078 days ago) Previous in thread: 150 by catelfemma
Subject: Sphinxes

Do you have a URL to any photos of them?

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Post nr: 165
Thread: [150]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7078 days ago) Previous in thread: 157 by Hedda
Subject: Sphinxes

Put 'cat sphinx' into google image search, and you come with loads of pictures of them.

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Post nr: 428
Thread: [150]
Author: Nita Posted: (7030 days ago) Previous in thread: 150 by catelfemma
Subject: Sphinxes

Why is it cruel? Just because they look like rats? It sounds like you care more about your aesthetical pleasure than the cats' comfort... ;)

But, of course, "wild type" cats are the best because they haven't been subjected to artificial selection based on appearance :)

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Post nr: 430
Thread: [150]
Author: catelfemma (<img:img/mood/15_1109727516.jpg> Go to Competitions) Posted: (7030 days ago) Previous in thread: 428 by Nita
Subject: Sphinxes

No, not just because they look like rats. They get cuts very easily, they get sunburnt, they catch colds far more easily- shall I continue?

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Post nr: 466
Thread: [150]
Author: heart_art (New name: This side is awful) Posted: (7028 days ago) Previous in thread: 430 by catelfemma
Subject: Sphinxes

That may be true. You'll probobly have to dress it when it's getting colder too.


Post nr: 587
Thread: [150]
Author: Nita Posted: (7025 days ago) Previous in thread: 430 by catelfemma
Subject: Sphinxes

Well, so they shouldn't be kept outdoors... I think that selecting and breeding cats (and other pets) to get exotic looking toys rather than healthy companions is highly unethical in general, even if the cats seem to be able to cope with it (which they do, since they're able to live and reproduce successfully).


Post nr: 2046
Thread: [150]
Author: gemma (New name: *louise*) (do my poll) Posted: (6845 days ago) Previous in thread: 150 by catelfemma
Subject: ilove cats

ilike cats because they sleep and clean theren butts

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Post nr: 2496
Thread: [150]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6640 days ago) Previous in thread: 2046 by *louise*
Subject: ilove cats

How insightful...


Post nr: 3018
Thread: [150]
Author: H3_six (<img:/img/catimg/6165_1163608177.jpg>Meow!) Posted: (6419 days ago) Previous in thread: 430 by catelfemma
Subject: Sphinxes

Oh I agree with you. I have nothing against the cat's themselves, the hairless look is a genetic abnormality much like a ruffled coat. However to then take that and purposely create a new breed... It sickens me, in a way that these 'breeders' just do not seem to understand. (and I have met them) I think they do not truly, completely love cats or anything but themselves. If they did they would cry to see the quaint aesthetic human standards imposed on the clean wildness of cats. Arr I sound nuts, but I'm just really passionate about this. It's wrong to create a breed or species that lives in pain.

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Post nr: 3023
Thread: [150]
Author: kittykittykitty (<img:img/mood/369_1118711341.jpg> Monster Creation) Posted: (6409 days ago) Previous in thread: 3018 by H3_six
Subject: Sphinxes

Yeah, I do find some breeders sickening. There are many breeds of dog that live with respiratory problems because of the way they are bred (those dogs with folds of skin on their faces), and I know that certain breeds of cat and many other species are more likely to be blind or deaf, etc.

Also, breeders such as those mean that more pet owners will buy from a pet shop rather than adopting a needy animal from a shelter. It makes me feel so sad :(

But if they're making money from breeding them, it won't stop until the profits stop coming in :/

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