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i'm sad today

Member #6261 created: 2007-02-07 17:00:11Simple URL:   

Name: sarah

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i love cat so much and so did my friends we all love cats so much, i have for cats and 5 drtish cats the are cool. i came here to take over my friends house they are not here no more. they where my friend. one of my good friends is[i'm gone like hell] my othere best friend is [i'm gone too] they where best friend, so was i but time take us apart. they are gone now so if you wont to know a little bit more i can tell you but i'll tell you on here, they where good friend but they are together now somewhere okey, us 3 love like to drink and party a lot but time took us apart. my good friend [i'm gone like hell] she gone to be a hooker and my other best friend went off and got here self in BIG TROULBLE that is [i'm gone too] now you see okey but there are more but i don't want to say okey talk soon

Age: 14Year of birth: 1992Month of birth: 7Day of birth: 8

Gender: female human

Place of living: USA-Oklahoma

Exact place of living: tahlequah

Known languages

no music

Other interests

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: thin

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