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.latex//freak (I just want something I can never have.)

Member #3809 created: 2005-07-04 21:05:30Simple URL:   


I'm pimp, yo. But a total idiot.

Cat image missing.

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You wandered into here! :p Messages me, I don't bite. Kinda.

I don't fricken cyber. Don't ask me to fricken cyber. I will bite your fricken head off. o.O;

[Hello there!]

My name is Darby! I'm going to be nice to you because I feel like it. I also thought I'd put something up about up about myself. So here we are. I'm 14 years old. I live with my mom, dad, sister, two cats, two dogs, three fish, and six horses. I don't like horses at all, however. I love my cat. He's adorable and I love other people's cats. I'm very friendly, but slightly crazy, sorry to say. I am bisexual, so if you want to message me saying how aweful that is, go ahead. I don't care. Just don't expect me to message you back at any point or time. I support gay marriage, I don't like Bush, and I'm pro-choice. I'm very musically oriented. My favorite band is probably Cold or A Perfect circle, but there are many more I would rather not start listing right now. I'm very orginized and my room is horribly messy. If you are going to message me, please have read all of this and say you did if you have. Otherwise, I don't think I'll be talking much. If you ask me anything that I put down here, I'll ask you to reread this or something evil like that. That's about all I have to say. So why don't you message me or something. I love talking to new people :3.

If u tak lik3 dis i will n0t mesag3 y0u bak, u h3r me?

Bwaha. Sayonara!

Hades Fanclub So adorable :D

Like. Omigosh. It's so cute.

Age: 15Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 24

Gender: she-cat

What do you do?: Being lazy

Place of living: USA-Montana

Exact place of living: STALKER

Known languages

CatHug crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite cat-races
non-race catsAmerican BobtailAmerican Shorthair
American WirehairBengalBirman
British ShorthairBurmeseColorpoint Shorthair
Devon RexEgyptian MauEuropean Burmese
ExoticHavana BrownHimalayan
Japanese BobtailJavaneseKorat
LaPermMaine CoonManx
Norwegian Forest CatOcicatOriental
Russian BlueScottish FoldSelkirk Rex
Turkish Van

alternativefolk musicgoth
grungeheavy metalnew age
operaprogressive metalpunk

Other interests
boardgamesbookscard games
carscatschasing the preferred sex
chesscookingcrime stories
role playingsingingscifi
slackingsnow scootersshopping

Civil status: married

Sexual preference: unknown

Body shape: plump

Height: 174

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