Member #1164 created: 2005-01-25 18:23:47 | Simple URL: |
oreo sitting on his box infront of the window looking out at the people below and allowed me to take this picture.
cranky old Snowflake whom we call flake who by nature is a flake
Age: 17 | Year of birth: 1990 | Month of birth: 4 | Day of birth: 18 |
Sign Language | English | Italian |
Japanese | Spanish |
non-race cats |
adult pop | alternative | classical |
goth | grunge | heavy metal |
hip hop | jazz | pop |
progressive metal | rap | rock |
techno |
animals | anime | books |
card games | cars | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | chess | cooking |
crime stories | electronics | fantasy |
film | history | religion |
role playing | scifi |