[Neon Pegasus]'s diary

2466  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-13
Written: (7009 days ago)

I'm back in the Uk and trying to get my life here back on track. George is so happy I'm back, that he wants to sit next to me or on me at all times. He still hates his biggest rival, the reason I'm not giving him all my attention, "the horrible grey shinny thing" i.e. my laptop. No attempts have been made to push it over the edge of the desk yet, however he tries to steal all the attention. Evidence on this can be found in my photo album.

I really miss my puppies though... I guess you can't have it all!

2235  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-08
Written: (7075 days ago)
Next in thread: 2260

It's so hot in Greece right now. Plus I found two puppies a couple of weeks ago,when they were only 5 days old, and have been taking care of them since. It's a hell of a job but I'm not complaining! I wonder what kind of a creap left them there to die.. They opened their eyes for the first time last week and they are so cute and fragile. I've taken a million pictures of them so I'd might as well post a couple here.

 The logged in version 

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