Page name: Rogues' Gallery [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-06-03 07:32:40
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Rogues' Gallery

Anyone familiar with Cathug knows there are a number of people who have at the top of their house some sort of note from the Cathug Guards. One day, you, me, or some other could be graced with such a message. This wiki is dedicated to those lucky, or unlucky enough to receive an inscription.

The following list contains the categories of Rogues. Follow any category to view Gallery of Rogues.

The Banished
The Forewarned
The Harrassed
The Investigated
The Miscellaneous
The Nudists
The Nuisances
The Pardoned

If you wish to see those who CH residents consider rogues, please visit the Cathug Dungeons

In addition to viewing the various wings of the Rogues' Gallery and the Dungeons, feel free to visit the eateries:

Expresso Bar of Order

Note: If you feel there is some sort of mistake, if there has been a change in a rogue's status, or if someone needs to be added to one of these fine lists, let me know.

I have also set up a new way of updating the gallery. New additions will be marked with an asterick (*). These astericks will stay there until a particular wing is updated.

updated 6/1/2006 (The Banished, The Pardoned, thank you [Paz])

Operated by [bluesoulsearcher] and [nokaredes]

Username (or number or email):


2005-04-25 [nokaredes]: Stop thanking me, darn you! You embarrass me...

2005-04-25 [bluesoulsearcher]: lol I'm just trying to give credit where it's due :D

2005-04-25 [bluesoulsearcher]: It's not my fault you're my only friend in Cathug (okay maybe it is, but still).

2005-04-25 [nokaredes]: It's because CH doesn't have enough members. >.< I have, like, two friends. I should ask [catelfemma] or [Sunrose] or someone, but I...don't mind. Something like that. I can't explain it right now.

2005-04-25 [bluesoulsearcher]: no worries, you should accumulate naturally :)

2005-04-25 [nokaredes]: do you mean acclimate?

2005-04-25 [nokaredes]: no, never mind. >.< stupid English!

2005-04-25 [bluesoulsearcher]: lol

2005-07-17 [nokaredes]: ...half-credit? O_o

2005-07-18 [bluesoulsearcher]: yeah the Anonymous Contributor flushed them on the guards page, but I brought it to the gallery.

2005-07-20 [nokaredes]: ...yes...Anonymous...

2005-07-20 [bluesoulsearcher]: yes, I don't know what I'd do without Anonymous. She supplies so many names with her beautiful research.

2005-07-21 [nokaredes]: I'm sure Anonymous has lots of fun scavenging for names ;)

2005-07-21 [bluesoulsearcher]: I'm glad she does :)

2006-05-25 [Paz]: Ah, another one of these XD I shall come spam thee with names!

2006-06-03 [bluesoulsearcher]: Excellent!

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