So like, i have read the manga, and watched some of FB on dvd, and i have to say, i am pretty impressed! And it takes alot to do that!
i would give anything to be in Tohru's shoes!Well, maby not, i mean she doesn't have a mom or dad, and that would be pretty sad...but she gets hot boys!!! And they are super cute!And they are sweet! And did i tell you that they are hot?!
Well, i really don't think the back of the first book really says much about what you are going to see or feel! I mean i don't think that i was mentally prepared to a whole family of hotties! I mean even little Hiro has his moments!
Really, i have tryed to choose between boys before, but it really doesn't work! You can think, ok, so this boys is great and this boy has style, and this boy is cute...and before you know it, you are stuck! Right back at square one! Its a endless circle!
Now, in the back of the first book, they have a conversation with the voice of Tohru, Laura Bailey.
And i thought it was really funny because when they asked "What's your zodiac animal? Are you happy being that animal or would you rather be something else?"
And she anwsers...
"I'm a cock. I wouldn't change that either just cause' it's fun to say,"I'm a Cock"
And i really have to agree, being as i am one myself...
It is just fun to say..!
Well, this is [Miyuki], A Cock!, signing off!
Miyuki_sama I hope you have had a good time!
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