If you feel like you want to, you can make your own Meep and post it up here! But you must have a name,age,and info or can't make a Meep! And if i like your Meep alot, i will put it up on either a Meep! sign or a Banner! So Make a Meep!!!]
King Meep
King Meep was raised in the traditional Meep way, and was not a prince. But like sleeping beauty, he too found out he was! YAY! Anyway, so as he was knighted as the king he took a pesant as a wife and was married...yay.
..King Meep's whole name is Robert Calva Meep.

Queen Meep
Quenn Meep knew the King as a child and never knew he was a prince. King Meep had already fallin for her and so they married, and had one child. Full name: Cherry Bright Meep.

Princess Lu-Shita Meep and Bubble
Daughter of the King and Queen, the princess has made friends with a strange bubble, which she calls, Bubble. Her and Bubble do everything together! The play they eat they evan sleep! The King and Queen tryed once, to get rid of the bubble, but it kept finding its way back into the castle! Princess Lu-Shita's full name is Lu-Shita Dahfham Meep.

Meepy Pup
A newly created puppy from my dear little cousin,
This pup belongs to the royal family and is very well behaved and highly mannered.Not to point out that he is so very cute!!
So thank you Micaela, we really enjoy it.

Baby Blue and Butterfly
Like the Princess, Baby Blue has made a little friend...A butterfly named,...Butterfly. Baby Blue is a orphan who always runs away from the orpahnage, so no one trys to keep him and he likes it...We have no idea where Baby Blue Came from, or what his whole name is! So i claim this info spot,...useless...

Mr.Mint is your local icecream shop/super hero!!! He Saves the town on a daily run and gets the icecream shop opened in time! Of Course, being a superhero he has a really cool shank bachelor pad,...a icecream shop! Ok, so its not that shank...but its a icecreeam shop!!! Mr.Mint's full name is Gregory Smith Mint.

Cat Mint
This is Mr.Mint's little kitty!!! This cat helps to bring in people so that they will buy icecream. But this little cat is also the well known SUPER CAT!!!! And the Best of friends with the royal family's dog! So anything this fly cat wants, he gets!

Meepy Mouse
We have no idea where this little thing came form at all....
So to put it flat out for you, he is a little unknown.

Rocky Rocker
Not meant to ever be created! But he was and he was cute...
This is the prim example of the teens in Meepy! Rocky has his own band and they are making there way to the top! Rocky's full name is unknown.

The Locals!
This is what a few people in Meepy look like!

Meepy Micaela
This is a meep that i made to be my cousin! I just made her blue because Micaela loves blue! So here's To You Miceala Poo!!!
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