Page name: Chapter six - Rachel's Mistake [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2006-04-11 11:48:18
Last author: ~Cerys~
Owner: ~Cerys~
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Rachel’s mistake.

Alicia watched Flwy and Kari carefully. She tilted her head as Kari walked to the bar and waited to be served. Alicia approached Flwy “Aaah. Monsieur, it seems you adore your songstress…” she smirked knowingly “Tell her.” She nodded. Flwy shook his head defiantly. “No. I know she does not feel for me as I feel for her.” He hung his head. Alicia pouted, pursing her lips “Awww. My heart bleeds for you monsieur.” She hissed, before walking back over to Crovat, as Kari re-appeared, holding two glasses of mulled wine and blood. “What did she want?” Kari asked. “I have absolutely no idea.” Flwy lied, watching her as she re-joined Crovat and smirked in his direction. Crovat tilted his head “I smell humans.” He said, disgusted. Alicia nodded “We must not move Crovat. We are safe here.” Alicia looked up at him, and he nodded. Rachel looked at the ceiling. “Humans…” she growled. “Aureus, I smell blood. I’m going up there.” Aureus nodded as she moved to the stairs, and then followed her silently; secretly.
                Naomi stopped and turned around “I do believe, my dear Daemon that we shall have some company soon…” she narrowed her eyes and stepped into the darkness of the alley. Daemon nodded and smirked. He aimed a flare into the sky and fired. A glistening orb of flame erupted from the flare gun and shot into the air, like a miniature comet. Rachel watched where the flare had come from, and hoisted the scythe. She tilted her head and hissed loudly. Naomi wheeled around. Rachel touched the point of the scythe against a wall, and scraped it along the wall as she walked. Aureus appeared at the theatre’s pillars. He held onto a pillar and inched his head around slowly to see. Naomi looked crestfallen “Oh. Only one?” she tilted her head and stepped into the moonlight “Over here parasite.” She shouted. Rachel smirked and walked towards her. A thudding sound erupted around her, as fifteen humans emerged from the darkness. Aureus stepped into the moonlight also, and watched silently.
                Back in the club, Alicia scanned the crowd, and grabbed Crovat’s arm “I sense panic Crovat…” she shouted. Crovat smirked “Good.” He purred “At least something spooked them.” Alicia shook her head “NO! I mean I sense panic from some of our kind…” she looked around again “And I cannot see my brother and Rachel.” She said and made her way towards the stairwell. Crovat got there first and shut the door behind him, “Do not let Miss Alucard out. That is an order!” he hissed at the guards, who nodded and barricaded the door before Alicia made it. Crovat appeared at Aureus’ side “Don’t attempt it sir. It is too risky.” He said quietly, putting a hand on his shoulder. Aureus shrugged him off “That sir, is my wife.” Rachel was suddenly thrown from the alley, landing on the floor. She looked at her attackers, and three people stepped forwards. Rachel’s eyes glowed crimson. Aureus prepared to intervene, when suddenly Crovat thumped him into the pillar. Aureus fell, unconscious to the floor. Daemon exited the alley, followed closely by Naomi and a figure in white. He carried a katana, which he held at Rachel’s throat. Daemon straddled Rachel and pinned her down, as Naomi reached into her electric blue studded belt and pulled out a stake. She held it to Rachel’s heart. Rachel spat at Naomi “I do not care if I die. There shall be many millions more of my kind that will be the death of you! You’ll see!! You just wait, human!” Naomi raised an eyebrow “Well, the good thing is, at least it won’t be you that’ll kill me.” And she drove the stake into her chest. Rachel screamed in agony, and disintegrated.

Crovat watched, then shouldered Aureus’ unconscious form and walked back to the doors of the club. Alicia was stood at the feet of the stairs, tapping her foot frustratingly. ‘I cannot believe he locked me in’ she thought. ‘C’est impossibilité!’ The barricade opened and Alicia looked up. Crovat entered carrying Aureus on his shoulders; Alicia fell to her knees and wept “NO! You killed him! You murdered mon frère!!” Crovat shook his head and lifted her, around her waist, carrying her to the bar.
                                                              Crovat approached the barman “Could I use your back room?” he asked. The barman nodded and opened the walk-in freezer door for him. Carrying Alicia he walked into the freezer, and touched the back wall. It slid to one side and revealed a warm quiet room, scattered with spare musical instruments, leather furniture, and, for some odd reason, hammocks. Four, one to each corner. Crovat approached one and lay Aureus in it gently, he then knelt in front of Alicia and took a hold of her by the arms “It was not me, and he is not dead Alicia. He is unconscious, otherwise he would have died. Now, you need your brother Alicia, and he needs you.” Alicia nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks, she stepped to her brother’s side and took his hands. He stirred. Crovat watched her quietly. “A… Alicia?” Aureus murmured. Alicia nodded “Oui. C’est moi…” She smiled and he returned it, half heartedly. “She’s dead isn’t she?” he asked. Alicia looked at Crovat, who stood “There was nothing you could do sir. You would have died if you’d have intervened, they are ruthless hunters. And that figure in white…looks…so familiar…” he turned and walked into the club. Alicia hugged her brother “Don’t you dare leave me alone on this earth. If you do, I shall take it as a high offence that you would rather be in hell, than help me fight for my life every single night Aureus.”
Aureus sat up and pulled her to him, hugging her tightly “I’m not going anywhere.” He whispered and smiled. “Come on. Loki will probably have raped Georgina if we don’t get back to them in time.” Alicia nodded and helped him back into the Red General club. Loki smirked upon seeing them. “You okay?” he asked. Aureus replied with a nod “I will be.”
Alicia turned to Crovat suddenly “You monsieur, will tell me everything! That happened to my brother. Please. I need to know what happened.” Crovat nodded,” Very well.” He said. He maneuvered her to a set of chairs in the club, which was by now, Cradle of filth were back on, but this time playing – Nymphetamine. Loki looked around, Aureus had gone to the bathroom and Crovat and Alicia were nowhere to be seen, he grabbed onto Georgina “Hey sexy, you seen scar-face? And that snobby Alice he was with?” Georgina giggled and shook her head “No, I have not seen Lord Crovat or Alicia either.” She smiled at him. Loki grimaced “All these humans are running around up there?” he winced “Why must they party so near to us?” Alicia appeared at Georgina’s side “I have bad news. Rachel is dead.” Georgina stopped dancing and nodded sadly, Loki stared “When?” he demanded. Alicia explained everything to them. Loki turned to Alicia “You seen the singer and her monkey?” Alicia shook her head. Loki smirked “Well, go get ‘em then!” Alicia’s jaw dropped. Georgina tilted her head “No. Loki, she’s just lost her sister-in-law, you go get them senore if you want them to join us so bad.” She smiled at him. “Alright alright, I’m going.” He looked at Alicia “Sorry.” He muttered, before kissing Georgina and disappearing into the crowd. As he stalked away huffily, the word “women.” Could be heard. Georgina laughed and then hugged Alicia “We have to stay together now Alicia, for senorita Rachel’s sake.”
     Alicia nodded “I’m going for my brother.” She said before walking towards the bathroom doors. Georgina spotted Crovat and walked over to him “We’re preparing to leave sir,” she bowed to him “I thought I should notify you, so, be ready.” Crovat stood and nodded. “Thank you senorita.” He smiled at her from under his mask, and then followed her back to Kari, Flwy and Loki. Kari stared at Crovat “Loki tells us that that American girl died….because of the hunters?” Crovat nodded. Kari gasped. Flwy quickly hugged her “If we stay together, this will not happen again. This war has just begun.” Loki smirked “I like this guy already. Dude, that’s the way! Beat the hell outta them, so we can rule.” Flwy nodded “Thanks. I try.” Aureus appeared, with Alicia and Crovat looked at her concerned “Are you feeling alright? And how is he?” Alicia nodded and replied “He’ll be fine, as soon as he kills again, he’ll be fine.” She smiled at her brother reassuringly and he brother took her hand. “So? We’re all set? We have to use more pipelines.” Alicia nodded, and took hold of Crovat’s arm as well as her brothers. Loki took Georgina’s hand, Kari held onto Flwy and they exited the club, to the base of the Theatre.
They walked through the human-proof door once more, and to the back of the Theatre foyer. Loki pulled out his clawed glove when they reached a back wall, and scratched a huge slash into the wall, the floor opened beneath them, dropping them into the dark abyss they knew so well. Each of them stood and walked along the pipe, to the next chapter of events.

back to...the vampire lord crovat

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